What a gorgeous girl!! Miss Emily is signed with a big modeling agency now. I had the privalage of photographing her portfolio for them! There are so many it was hard to choose just a few to share!
I sure hope when she makes it big she will remember me! Congrats! Emily!!
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Sue Stultz
Very Nice pictures Emily- Katie Meenach Ilmobzm
YOur absolutely gorgeous!- LaWanna Conley
Very Pretty Picts Emily!!- Jessica Barney
Great Pictures- Tracy Logan
Emily is beautiful and such a sweet person! Great picts!- HEather Harris
Beautiful PIctures- Suzy Gibeaut
Angie where do you go to get these great picts. looks like everywhere! -They are great! Deanna Scott
Some of the best pix I have ever seen! Great job and beautiful subject!- Carrie Brunch
Very pretty picts! Tina Barker
Love your picts really nice!!! - ...